The Best Large Building Developers in San Francisco




Urban Pacific Development is a real estate and development firm in San Francisco with a particular focus on large-scale developments. Principals Michael Kriozere and Chris Collins formed the company in 2012, bringing with them more than 75 years of combined development experience to deliver transformative urban projects in San Francisco and other major cities in the West Coast. The firm is currently focused on residential and mixed-use developments.

Urban Pacific was the developer behind One Rincon Hill, a two-phase development project at 425 and 401 1st Street. The first phase included the construction of the One Rincon Hill South Tower, a 64-story, 400-unit condominium complex at 425 1st Street, completed in 2008. The second phase, meanwhile, was the construction of the Harrison, or the North Tower, a 52-story, 300-unit condominium complex at 401 1st Street. By 2015, the South Tower had been 100% sold out, while the Harrison was sold to Maximus Real Estate Partners. Both towers were successfully developed despite the global recession of 2008. Currently Urban Pacific is co-developing two of the last tower sites in San Francisco known as Transbay Parcel F and Block 4. Parcel F will be the 4th tallest tower in the City when completed, and Block 4 will provide hundreds of market rate and affordable housing units.

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